Many workers prefer joining trade unions as they provide health and education security. Furthermore, it gives the sense that your job space will be safer. On the other side, union members may seek alternative unions that may suit their needs. If this is the choice a member seeks to take then this article shows the procedure.

Procedure to take when cancelling UNISON membership

Some trade unions often make it harder for members to back down on the union. However, this is not eh case with UNISON. This is because the union will enable you to get the opportunity to look for better options and here is how to do it:

1. Making an advance notice prior to start of month

When you take the time to give notice opens you up to more opportunities. For instance, when you give prior notice, you increase your chances of grabbing some of best deals by the union during departure. Furthermore, this will also go a long way in helping you to avoid cases of company taking advantage of the situation.

2. Do it online

Making a cancellation on a UNISON membership does not necessarily need you yo have a face to face meeting rather log in your membership and easily opt out. Some of the advantages of doing it online include:

  • It is faster
  • Easy to understand
  • Easy to access all membership information for easy cancellation


Cancelling on trade unions clearly gives the opportunity to try other alternative representation in the workforce. Here are other alternatives other than UNISON:

  • Joist
  • MicroAquire
  • Homebudget
  • Accounting CS